Tesinas de máster en el marco del proyecto Fertilecity

Durante el curso 2014-2015 del Máster de Estudios Interdisciplinarios en Sostenibilidad Ambiental, Económica y Social dentro del marco del proyecto Fertilecity, se han realizado las siguientes Tesinas de Máster: Analyzing CO2& N2O flows in hydroponic crops. The case of a Mediterranean Rooftop Greenhouse (MSc M. Rosa Riera); Analysis of the LCC method for the economic assessment of environmental projects. Application in the tomato production ion in the tomato production of an integrated rooftop greenhouse (i-RTG) in Barcelona (MSc Judith Quer Bueno); Rooftops as resources: Analysing the potential of rooftop use for improving urban sustainability through the patchwork concept. A case study of industrial parks. (MSc. Sofia Aivaloti); and Rooftop greenhouses (i-RTGs) as local production systems in Barcelona: LCA and LCC of lettuce production. Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies in Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability (MSc. Mireia Pou).