Fertilecity II
“Integrated rooftop greenhouses: symbiosis of energy, water and CO2 emissions with the building –Towards urban food security in a circular economy”
Fertilecity II consolidates the development and implementation of ICTA’s RTG-Lab to provide tools and solutions aiming to produce low-carbon foods in cities through building-integrated rooftop greenhouses. Fertilecity I saw the foundation of the RTG-Lab and generated preliminary assessments of resource flows. In contrast, Fertilecity II expands the scope of these assessments by increasing the circularity of water, energy, CO2 and waste flows.
The project includes novel solutions and methods such as:
- the recirculation of water and nutrients in the food production system
- a detailed energy modelling of the greenhouse-building system and its comparison with conventional greenhouses
- architectural and constructive parameters at the building and neighborhood scale
- innovative solutions for generated agricultural residues
Understanding the symbiosis between the greenhouse and the building requires a multi-disciplinary approach covering concepts and methods stemming from agronomy, industrial ecology, economics, architecture, civil and chemical engineering and urban planning, among others.
The aim of the FertileCity II (CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R) project is to deepen the research and promotion of urban agriculture through integrated greenhouses on rooftops, providing information and tools that make it possible. Fertilecity II wants to complete the development of LAU-ICTA experimental laboratories; minimize the use of resources (water and nutrients) for the production of low-carbon foods.
- Quantify the quantity and quality of agricultural production, material resources and the resilience of sustainable, quality, harmless and local food production in indoor greenhouse horticultural systems.
- Investigate the metabolism of rainwater flows and system nutrients to obtain efficient use of resources by recirculating leachate.
- Assess the environmental impact of the life cycle of food production in vertical AU.
- Analyze the social aspects associated with the life cycle of indoor urban agriculture, as well as its economic viability and business opportunities associated with them for SMEs and large companies.
- Architecturally optimize the materials and infrastructure of the greenhouse integrated into the roof.
- The modeling and analysis of the comparative thermal behavior of greenhouses and the identification of possible improvements and recommendations.
- Assess the environmental impact of the greenhouse cycle.
- Determine the potential of city roofs for food production and their integration into the urban fabric.
The project holds an interdisciplinary team with expertise on the areas of environmental impact accounting, urban water cycle, flows characterization and economic assessment with experience on fields of energy assessment, energy efficiency, architecture and sustainability assessment.
The project team is composed by researchers from the group Sostenipra (2014 SGR1412) from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB), and from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The project also counts on the External Advice Panel, who contribute with its expertise on agronomy and greenhouse technologies.
Project director:
- Dr. Xavier Gabarrell Durany (UAB-ICTA)
Senior researchers CTM2016-75772-C3-1-R:
- Dr. Xavier Gabarrell (UAB-ICTA, Dep. Eng. Química, Biològica i Ambiental)
- Dra. Gara Villalba (UAB-ICTA, Dep. Eng. Química, Biològica i Ambiental)
- Dra. Maria Rosa Rovira (UAB-ICTA, Department of Business)
- Dra Isabel Pont (UAB-ICTA, Department of Administrative Law)
- Dr. Mario Giampietro (ICREA, UAB-ICTA, Dep. Eng. Química, Biològica i Ambiental)
Senior researchers CTM2016-75772-C3-3-R:
- Dr. Santiago Gassó (UPC, Department of Project and Construction Engineering)
- Dra. Eva Cuerva (UPC, Department of Project and Construction Engineering)
- Dra. Violeta Vargas (UPC, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Dr. Eusebi Jarauta (UPC, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- Dra. Carme Hervada (UPC, Department of Physics, Terrassa School of Industrial)
- Dr. Adrià Murs (UPC, Department of Architectural Technology)
- Dr. Jose Gibergans (UPC, Department of Mathematics)
- Dra. Jelena Nikolic (UPC, Department of Physics)
- Dr. Torsten Masseck (UPC, Department of Architectural Technology)
- Dr. Oriol Pons (UPC, Department of Architectural Technology)
- Dra. Eva Crespo (UPC, Department of Architectural Technology)
Junior researchers:
- MSc. Ana María Manríquez-Altamirano (UAB-ICTA)
- MSc. Perla Zambrano (UAB-ICTA)
- MSc Joan Muñoz (UPC, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering)
- MSc Susana Toboso (UAB-ICTA)
- MSc Alejandra Peña (UAB-ICTA)
- MSc Martí Rufí (UAB-ICTA, Dep. Eng. Química, Biològica i Ambiental)
- MSc Felipe Parada (UAB-ICTA)
- MSc Veronica Arques (UAB-ICTA)
- MSc. Carla Planas (UPC, Department of Project and Construction Engineering)
External Advice Panel (2019)
- Agricultura urbana: Dr Francesco Orsini-Universitat Bolonya (IT)
- Aigua: Dr Daniel Barceló-ICRA
- Arquitectura: Arq. Dr Coque Claret-UPC
- Disseny: Dr Pere Llorach-ELISAVA
- Economia: Dr John Slof-UAB
- Energia: Dr Elisa Lopez Capel-University Newcastle (UK)
- Life Cycle Assessment: Dr Francesc Castells-Universitat Rovira i Vigili
- Social: Dr Isabelle Anguelowsky-ICTA-UAB
- Urbanisme: Dr Daniel Calatayud-UPC
- Ex-Coordinador Projecte: Dr Joan Rieradevall-ICTA-UAB
- Ex-Coordinador Projecte: Dr Alejandro Josa-UPC
Co-supervisers PhD students (2019)
- Dr Pere Muñoz
- Dr. Jorge Serra
- Dra Anna Petit-Boix
- Dra Cristina Madrid
We thank the following collaborators their tasks during these years.
- Dr Joan Rieradevall (2017)
- Dra Núria Carazo (UPC-IRTA, 2017-2018)
- Dr Alejandro Josa (UPC, 2017-2019)
- Dr Juan Ignacio Montero (IRTA, 2017)
- MSc. Ana Nadal (UAB-ICTA) (2017-2018)
- MSc. Mireia Ercilla (UAB-ICTA) (2017-2019)
- Dra Angela Pedroso Tonon (UAB-ICTA, 2018-2019)
- MSc Pere Llorach (2017)
- Gaia Stringari (Unibo, 2018)
- Greta Casali (Unibo, 2019)
- MSc Anna Petit-Boi (2017)
- Maria Berlanga (IES, 2018)
- Laura Sánchez Robles (IES La Romànica, 2019)
- MSc David Sanjuan (2017)
- Safir Malonda Costa (Biotec, 2018)
- Dr Roberto Quirós, (2017-2019)
- MSc Aniol Alabert (UPC, 2017)
- Dra Isabel Lavrador Rierol (2017- 2018)
- Laila Ferrer (2019)
- Meritxell Gres Cintes (Biotec, 2017)
- Fabiana Corcelli (U. Nàpols, 2018)
- Carla Bucio Sistos de la UNAM ENES Morelia, 2017)
- Natalia Alvarado (2018)
- Anna Boneta (2018)
- Dr Antoni Rosell Melé (2018-2019)
- T1 – Functional experimentation of LAU-ICTA. Adaptation and operation
- T2 / T3 / T4 / T5 / T6 – Technical-environmental characterization of system
- T7 – Environmental impact analysis
- T8 – Socio-economic and sustainability assessment
- T9 – Global and prospective approach to the system in urban planning and building
- T10 – Dissemination, transfer and operation of the project