Tasting of our products, March 28, 2018 venue Image gallery Tasting dishes of the March 28, 2019 venueBeet crops harvested the day before and used in tasting Our crops Second cropSecond cropSecond cropRemains of the crop, for research into new agricultural management systemsRemains of the crop, for research into new agricultural management systemsSecond tomato cropAgro-Lab2: crop with recirculationAgro-Lab2: recirculation systemThree and a half months of cultivationAgro-LAB1: bean cultivationAgro-LAB1: bean cultivationAgro-LAB1: bean cultivationBeef heart tomatoPlanting processHarvest sample 2015.05.06Beef heart tomatoRecently plantedFirst week of cultivationBeef heart tomatoTomatoes in full growthBeef heart tomatoBefore plantingGeneral view of the cropFirst harvest 2015.04.30 Systems and sensors "Open chamber" system"Open chamber" system: use of residual air from the building.N2O and temperature sensorTemperature and humidity sensorRainwater control systemIonic chromatographDatalogger Campbel CR3000Surface reading with drones to study the potential of roofs for vertical urban agriculture.N2O sensor2nd greenhouse with recirculationWater recirculation systemAgro-Lab2: recirculation system Lettuce crops Wonder lettucePlantationOak leaf lettuceHydroponic system RTG facilities Building ZIndoor greenhouseHydroponic cultivation